Sun’s quoting / ordering system has been down for the last two weeks!?!?

I’m a sales rep at We are independent resellers of Sun hardware – meaning that we are not Sun authorized resellers.

Sometimes it strikes people as odd that we would not only be content with that, but that we would PREFER being independent. After all, wouldn’t it be better for us to be an authorized supplier? To have the manufacturer’s backing? Well, without going into a whole lot of detail about why being authorized would actually be a BAD thing for us (AND for our customers), I’ll just tell you this story:

I recently have been hearing from a lot of my customers that they have not been able to order equipment or get a quote from their Sun sales reps for the last 2 weeks (from about the middle of January 2008 through at least Feb 1st, 2008.) No, it’s not because their sales rep won the lottery and went on permanent vacation.

It seems that through either a lack of planning or some other bad decision-making, Sun’s quoting and ordering system has been down for at least the last 2 weeks. Perhaps that could at least partially account for why we’ve been so darn busy the last 2 weeks 🙂 NOT that I’m complaining! As far as I’m concerned, Sun’s ordering system can stay down for another 2 weeks — or 2 years!

Being an independent supplier, my quoting and ordering system is completely separate. . . and it’s fully functional. So if you’ve been left high and dry by Sun, hustle yourself over to and let us get you the new or refurbished Sun hardware, support, consulting and maintenance that Sun can’t seem to supply right now.

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