Archive for the 'Diagnostics' Category
Wednesday, February 13th, 2008
A: SUMMARY: 1) From wherever you are, bring the machine to the OK prompt. 2) At the OK prompt, type banner. 3) Reading and understanding banner information.
Posted in Diagnostics, Hardware, OBP, Operating System | Comments Off on Someone told me to look at the banner. How do I check the banner on my Sun box? What information can I get from the banner command?
Monday, February 4th, 2008
I had a customer recently call me with a “bus fault” when he was trying to probe-scsi-all from the ok prompt. On separate occasions, I had sold him an Ultra 5 and a Dual Differential SCSI card (part# 375-0006) and he had just recently installed the SCSI Card into the Ultra 5 with the aforementioned […]
Posted in Configuration, Diagnostics, Hardware, OBP, Operating System, Troubleshooting | Comments Off on “Bus Fault” when trying to probe-scsi-all on a Sun Ultra 5
Tuesday, January 8th, 2008
A: Unlike a regular Windows PC, where you typically only use your PC via a direct-attached keyboard, mouse and monitor, you have various options when deciding how you want to “connect to” or “control” your Sun machine.
Posted in Commentary, Diagnostics, Expandable, Hardware | Comments Off on How can I control my Sun server without a keyboard, mouse or video card?
Saturday, July 28th, 2007
A: Ask and you shall receive. Use this handy-dandy OpenBoot PROM or OBP Reference Guide courtesy of Sun Microsystems as a refresher. I didn’t write it, but it’s about as thorough and useful as it would be if I did.
Posted in Configuration, Diagnostics, OBP, Troubleshooting | Comments Off on Is there an OpenBoot PROM cheat sheet or reference sheet?
Wednesday, July 11th, 2007
A: Depending on which Sun machine you are connecting to, you will need a specific type of null modem cable suited to that machine. Most Sun UltraSparc II-class machines will require a DB25 male connector on the Sun end. Sun’s UltraSPARC III-class and higher machines have a healthy mix of DB25 and RJ-45 connectors. Plus […]
Posted in Diagnostics, Hardware, Operating System, Troubleshooting | Comments Off on How can I establish a serial connection from my Windows PC to my Sun Solaris machine?
Monday, July 9th, 2007
NOTE: Article not complete. Coming soon: Photos Links to pinouts for specific cable types A: You’re going to need a few items: RJ-11 or RJ-45 crimper with built in cable cutter RJ-11 or RJ-45 connector tips a resource to look up the proper pinouts for the cable you’re making After you’ve got the necessary items […]
Posted in Diagnostics, Hardware, Unfinished | Comments Off on How do I make my own RJ-11 or RJ-45 cable?